HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders
Disruption of neurocognitive functioning is a complication in patients infected with HIV.
Neurocognitive tests and accessible tools that can identify patients with increased risk of cognitive impairment represent an urgent requirement.
- Title: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders - Review
- Authors: Montserrat Sanmarti, Laura Ibáñez, Sonia Huertas, Dolors Badenes, David Dalmau, Mark Slevin, Jerzy Krupinski, Aurel Popa-Wagner and Angeles Jaen
- Date: 2014
- Source: Journal of Molecular Psychiatry 2014, 2:2 doi:10.1186/2049-9256-2-2 © 2014 Sanmarti et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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